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Introducing #ckbkclub!

#ckbkclub: the club for everyone who ❤️s cookbooks and cooking

We love books, particularly cookbooks, so today, on World Book Day, we're announcing the launch of #ckbkclub! It's a group for cookbook fanatics and enthusiastic home cooks (like you!) to come together and cook from a rotating selection of cookbooks and themes.

How does #ckbkclub work?

  • Every month we'll select one book or theme from the ckbk website to cook from. Browse online and favorite recipes you’d like to make.

  • Cook whichever recipes sound appealing to you, take photos of your dishes, and post to the group along with any notes, comments, and cooking tips.

  • Post to the #ckbkclub Facebook group or if you prefer post to Instagram or Twitter using hashtag #ckbkclub and tag us @ckbk, we'll re-share your posts.

  • Invite your friends and anyone who loves to cook.

What is this month’s theme?

August 2020: Plant-based eating is on the rise and, whether you're a Meat Free Monday advocate, a veg-loving flexitarian or a committed vegan, a wealth of creative meat-free recipes awaits. Cook and share any of the 45,000+ vegetarian or vegan recipes available on ckbk. Explore recently added titles including I Can Cook Vegan by Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Mediterranean Vegetarian Feasts by Aglaia Kremezi, Vegetarian by Alice Hart and many more!

Do I need a subscription to ckbk to participate?

Books will be selected from our extensive collection of curated cookbooks—that means you’ll won’t have to purchase new books or chase down classic editions. Access the full collection with your Premium or Free Membership. Or, if you'd like to buy the book or already have it in your collection we welcome you to join!

What should I post?

Post photos of dishes you’ve made along with notes, tips, or adjustments you’ve made.

Ask questions to the group or share tips about books, authors, or recipes.

Share photos of your cookbook collection, we’d love to see it!

Community guidelines:

Be respectful and supportive, we’re all here because we love cooking and want to become better cooks. Please refrain from any self-promotions or advertisements.

We hope you’ll join us and help us kick off our first month of #ckbkclub!

Past books & themes:

July 2020: Dive into the cuisine of France this July. Cook and share your discoveries from the ckbk collection—you'll find 12,000+ recipes and 25 cookbooks featuring French food and French chefs. Make the specialties of sun-soaked Provence or try your hand at the haute cuisine of Paris, there is so much to explore. Bon Appétit!

June 2020: The Foods of Greece by Aglaia Kremezi

Cook your way through Kremezi’s award-winning book, or make any greek recipe and share with the group.

April & May 2020: Open discussion

In lieu of choosing a cookbook for the club to cook from this month, we want to open up discussion to anything cookbook or cooking related: ask questions, post articles, share recipes or share what you are cooking.

March 2020: The books of James Peterson

James Peterson is one of America's most widely respected cookbook authors and revered teachers. Cook from any of Peterson’s cookbooks including the award-winning Sauces, Glorious French Food, Splendid Soups, Cooking or Baking.

February 2020: The Baking Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum

Make something sweet for your Valentine. In The Baking Bible, Rose Levy Beranbaum offers a comprehensive guide for making cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, candies, pastries and breads.

January 2020: Curries of the World

Cook and share any curry recipe found on ckbk. Explore the curries of India, Thailand and beyond. Featured books include 660 Curries and Floyd's Great Curries.

December 2019: Cook and share any recipe found on ckbk + a cookie swap!

Since the holidays are crazy, we're keeping it simple for #ckbkclub. This December cook and share any recipe found on ckbk! Explore the wide range of 87,000 recipes from 378 cookbooks (and growing!) Plus, we are hosting a virtual holiday cookie swap December 13th-15th!

November 2019: We're inviting club members to cook and share any recipe found on ckbk! Explore the wide range of 85,000 recipes from 350+ cookbooks. We’ve got recipes for all cooks and every appetite. Plus, we will have two cooking challenges: slow-cooker week, comfort foods challenge.

October 2019: In celebration of National Pasta Month (U.S.) and World Pasta Day (October 25th), #ckbkclub is exploring the books of Marcella and Giuliano Hazan this October. Master Italian cuisine as you cook your way through Marcella Cucina, Marcella’s Italian Kitchen, How to Cook Italian, and The Classic Pasta Cookbook.

September 2019: This September #ckbkclub is diving into the world of Thai cuisine. We’ll explore delicate fresh spring rolls, flavor packed noodle dishes and complex Thai curries. Cook from Quick & Easy Thai by Nancie McDermott or explore the nearly 500 Thai recipes available on ckbk.

August 2019: Let's keep cool this August by exploring recipes to "beat the heat". Instead of cooking from a single book, we're inviting members to explore a range of recipes that will help you satisfy your hunger while keeping you cool. Think fresh salads, raw fish, cooking al fresco on the grill, or whipping up your favorite frozen desserts. Here are a few books from our collection to get your started:

July 2019: Calling all bakers—in celebration of summer's fruit and vegetable bounty #ckbkclub is tackling the theme of Summer Baking this July. We're inviting members to explore a range of sweet and savory cakes, pies and pastries from any book on ckbk. Here are a few books from our collection to get your started:

June 2019: In the spirit of summer wanderlust, our team selected Around the World in 80 Dishes by award-winning photographer David Loftus for our June #ckbkclub book. He’s pulled together a collection of international recipes inspired by trips with his famous-food loving friends and clients. It’s a gorgeous travelogue that takes us on a route shadowing that of  Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days, intertwined with whimsical passages from that much-loved adventure.

May 2019: The Silver Palate Cookbook  It’s sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide and holds a treasured place for many in the United States. Published in 1982 with recipes from their famous NYC gourmet deli, The Silver Palate, Sheila Lukins and Julee Rosso brought international flavors to home cooks and spawned a gourmet renaissance of unfamiliar ingredients and flavors from Provence, the Mediterranean, and Asia.

ckbk is home to the world's best cookbooks and recipes for all cooks and every appetite. Start exploring now ▸

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